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20170325 Belk’s Demo

Belk’s Demo


Lou Martino

Click Here to see Photos of this event

Once again, the OD Shag Club Dance Team was invited to Belk’s Shoes and Accessories Day at Belk’s in Myrtle Beach Colonial Mall.

Thank you, Cindy Day, as our point of contact and for setting up this event. The Department manager Kerry gave us a warm welcome and invited us to dance for this event.

We had great participation by our Dance Team. The team normally dances for about 40 minutes. Each dancer dances a spot line dance for approximately a minute and a half. However, we were asked to dance a second set, since the customers of the store were very interested in the Shag Dance. We danced from 1PM until 3 PM and enjoyed every minute.

Belk’s gave away several door prizes for all those who what to participate and they always treat us with a token of their appreciation.

Thanks to the members of the Dance Team that danced at this event:

Bonnie and Mike Bejzak                         Susan Male

Bill Byrne                                               Lou Martino

Linda Campbell                                       Diane Millman

Vic Gillispie                                            Judy Odom

Jimmie Harley                                       John and Lori Setzer                  

Barbara Hopper                                     Diane Tindall                                

Rich and Cathy Jamiolkowski                 Linda Wilson

Connie Livingston